Why Do I Need to Earth My Pool Fence?
February 18, 2025 Comments: 0

an earthed pool fence

When installing a pool, there are some important wiring practices that will need to be placed. This means that you will need to earth your pool fence. Having earthing in place is a critical step that Pittsburgh Fence Company can work with your electrician on.

If you’re new to the pool installation process, you may be wondering what it means to have your pool fence earthed. At Pittsburgh Fence Company, we will cover this process and its importance to help you gain a better understanding.

Why Do I Need To Earth My Pool Fence?

For the safety of all of your swimmers, it is mandatory to get your pool fence earthed to prevent the risk of electric shock in the case that your fence is too close to the pool.

How You Earth a Pool Fence

When earthing a pool fence, an earth cable is permanently attached and then run back to a pool meter box or pool circuit. For this to be completed, the exact position of the fence will need to be determined. This will help the conduits to be placed in the correct position. We can work with your licensed electrician to ensure they are aware of the fence placement to complete this task.

When Do I Need an Electrician?

Before you have us install your pool fence, you will need to have an electrician come in. The AS/NZS3000 or the wiring rules set forth very specific requirements for electrical bonding of concrete steel reinforcing and other conductive metal parts that are located within 1.25m of the pool. This includes metal fencing, poles supporting non-metal fencing, and metal spigots. These rules serve to prevent electric shock when using the swimming pool or spa.

The electrician will need to run the conduit or earthing before concrete can be laid around the pool area.

What Requirements Are Their for Pool Installation Besides Earthing?

You are required to have this work completed by licensed electrition. They must also issue you a Certificate of Compliance. There are some pool installers who try to avoid the use of an electrician before the concrete work starts by leaving a length of reinforcing out of the pool shell, which is then used to connect the bonding conductor at a later date.

This is very unsafe and will prevent the electrician from performing the tests needed to ensure that the pool shell is effectively bonded.

How Pittsburgh Fence Company Can Help

When installing your pool fencing, we will work closely with your electrician to ensure they have all the information they need to complete their work safely and efficiently. Contact us today to learn more about our pool fence installation services or other residential fencing applications.

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