Jeff Wible

As the owner of Pittsburgh Fence Co, Inc. Jeff has had decades of experience installing fences on businesses and homes throughout Pittsburgh.

Why Are There Holes In My Fence?

As a homeowner, discovering holes in your fence can be a source of significant frustration. Not only do these unsightly gaps compromise the security of your property, but they also detract from its overall appearance. Maintaining a secure and visually appealing perimeter around your home is crucial for safety and curb appeal. In this article, we’ll explore the common causes of fence holes, their impact on your property, and practical strategies for prevention and repair.

Understanding the Causes

Several factors can lead to the development of holes in your fence. Understanding these causes is the first step in preventing future damage.


Termites are pests known for causing major damage to wooden structures, including fences. These tiny pests feed on wood, and once they establish a colony, they can create numerous holes and tunnels, severely compromising the structural integrity of your fence.

They can quickly weaken wood, and if they’re infesting your fence, it’s only a matter of time before they make their way to your home. It’s best to contact a pest professional to eradicate them as soon as possible. Signs you have termites in your fence include:

  • Sagging or leaning posts.
  • Hollow-sounding wood when tapped on.
  • Sawdust-like frass along the fence line.

Powderpost Beetles

Powderpost beetles are another common culprit. They lay their eggs in the cracks and crevices in untreated wood. Once the larvae hatch, they bore through the wood, creating small, round exit holes and a powder similar to sawdust. Over time, an infestation can result in substantial damage.

The fence must be treated with a preservative to kill any remaining beetles and prevent them from returning. If you need clarification on whether the fence needs to be repaired or fully replaced after treatment, contact our fencing professionals for a thorough evaluation.

Carpenter Bees

Carpenter bees resemble bumblebees but are more solitary in nature. They create perfectly round holes in the wood of the fence to lay their eggs. While one or two holes might not seem like a big issue, multiple bees can quickly turn your fence into a perforated mess, allowing water and mold to accumulate and weaken the wood.

Carpenter Ants

Carpenter ants don’t actually eat wood but excavate it to create their nests. This process can lead to significant structural damage to your fence. Small holes and sawdust-like debris around the base of the fence often indicate their presence. Each affected area should be examined, and the whole fence should be treated to prevent further infestations.

Horntail Wasps

Horntail wasps, also known as wood wasps, lay their eggs in a tree’s wood. The larvae then bore just under the bark until they are ready to pupate. Typically, they leave lumber alone, but seeing horntail wasps damage a fence is not unheard of.

Impact on Home Security and Aesthetics

The presence of holes in your fence can have several negative repercussions regarding security and aesthetics.

Home Security

A fence with holes is more than just an eyesore; it poses a serious security risk. Larger holes can provide intruders entry points, while pests or stray animals can exploit even smaller ones. This compromised security can lead to an increased risk of trespassing, theft, and other unwanted activities.

Aesthetic Devaluation

Holes and other damage to your fence can significantly detract from its visual appeal. This aesthetic devaluation can affect your property’s curb appeal and potentially lower its market value. On the other hand, a well-maintained fence enhances the overall look of your property and creates a positive first impression.

Preventive Maintenance and Repair Options

Preventing and repairing holes in your fence involves a combination of regular maintenance and timely intervention. Here are some practical tips:

Regular Inspections

Conducting regular inspections of your fence is crucial for early detection of potential issues. Look for signs of pests, such as small holes, sawdust, or insect droppings. Intervening early can prevent minor problems from becoming major headaches.

Proper Installation

Ensuring that your fence is properly installed can go a long way in preventing damage. Choose high-quality materials and hire experienced professionals to install your fence. Proper installation ensures that your fence is sturdy and less susceptible to damage from pests and environmental factors.

Timely Repairs

Addressing small issues promptly can prevent them from escalating. Fill in minor holes with wood filler or epoxy, and replace damaged boards as needed. Keeping up with these smaller repairs can save you money and hassle in the long run.

Professional Services

Engaging professional services is wise for more complex repairs and maintenance. Pest control experts can help manage infestations, while fencing professionals can handle more extensive repairs or replacements. These experts have the knowledge and tools to ensure that your fence remains in great condition.

Fence Replacement Considerations

In some cases, replacing your fence might be a more cost-effective and efficient long-term solution than continuous repairs. Here’s what to consider:

When to Replace

Replacement might be the best option if your fence has extensive damage, frequent pest infestations, or is simply old and worn out. A new fence can provide better security, improved aesthetics, and peace of mind.

Choosing the Right Fence

When selecting a new fence, consider factors such as durability, aesthetics, and security needs. Materials like vinyl and metal are less susceptible to pest damage and can provide long-lasting protection. Wooden fences remain popular for their classic look but require more maintenance.

Professional Installation

For the best results, hire professionals to install your new fence. A proper installation can ensure that your fence is secure, level, and built to last. Professionals can also provide advice on the best materials and designs for your specific needs.

Call Pittsburgh Fence Company Today!

Discovering holes in the fence is a common frustration for homeowners, but understanding the causes and taking proactive measures can help maintain their property’s durability and appearance. Regular inspections, timely repairs, and professional services are key to preventing and addressing damage. Replacing your fence might be the best long-term solution.
By taking these steps, you can ensure that your fence remains a secure and attractive perimeter around your home. Don’t wait for small issues to become major problems—take action today to protect and enhance the value of your property.
For expert advice and professional fencing services, contact Pittsburgh Fence Company. We’re here to help you maintain a beautiful and secure home. Contact us today to get started!



Not All Vinyl Fencing is Created Equal

When it comes to choosing the right type of fence for your home, the stakes are higher than you might think. A fence serves as more than a boundary. It is also an extension of your home and style as well as a significant investment in your property’s value and safety.

Among the plethora of fencing materials available, vinyl has become a popular choice for homeowners. But before you decide to encircle your home with this modern material, it’s crucial to understand that not all vinyl fencing is created with equal quality.

Understanding the Basics of Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fencing, known for its durability, low maintenance, and versatility in design, is made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC), combined with special ingredients that provide color, strength, and UV protection. Compared to traditional materials like wood or metal, vinyl stands out for its longevity without the need for frequent painting or treatment against rust or rot.
The fencing market provides a wide range of styles and designs, from privacy and picket fences to ornamental and post-and-rail fences, ensuring there’s a vinyl fence to suit any aesthetic preference. However, the choice doesn’t end at just picking a style; the quality of vinyl fencing can vary significantly, affecting not just its appearance but also its durability and lifespan.

Factors That Differentiate Quality in Vinyl Fencing

Material Quality

The thickness, durability, and composition of the vinyl itself are key indicators of quality. Higher-quality vinyl fences are thicker, making them more resistant to impact damage and the wear and tear of everyday use. They are also composed of vinyl that includes a higher concentration of PVC, ensuring the fence’s strength and longevity.

UV Protection and Impact Resistance

Quality vinyl fencing comes with added UV inhibitors that protect it from the sun’s harsh rays, preventing fading, yellowing, and brittleness in an effort to help vinyl fences last longer. Additionally, top-notch options have superior impact modifiers that enhance the fence’s ability to withstand physical shocks and changing weather conditions without cracking or breaking.

Manufacturing Process

The method used to produce the vinyl fencing also plays a major role in its quality. Two common processes are mono-extrusion and co-extrusion. Mono-extrusion crafts the entire product from a single layer of vinyl, ensuring uniformity in quality and protection throughout. Co-extrusion, on the other hand, uses multiple layers, which can create products of slightly lesser quality if not done correctly.
Quality vinyl fencing is characterized by no fading or yellowing, is made with pure PVC, contains high levels of titanium dioxide for UV protection, is engineered to handle temperature fluctuations, and meets ASTM standards.
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) offers product ratings and technical standards for a variety of products, including vinyl fencing. They have a minimum level of compliance that products must satisfy in order to meet the ASTM standards.
It’s important to understand that some manufacturers use pipe specifications that are not as demanding for impact resistance or UV protection as ASTM standards are.

How to Select the Right Vinyl Fence for Your Home or Commercial Property

Selecting the right vinyl fence goes beyond just picking a style that complements your home or business; it’s about matching your needs with the right features while considering your budget and long-term maintenance costs. Here are a few steps to guide you:
  • Visualize the fence in your space and determine the primary purpose of your fence—privacy, aesthetics, security, etc.
  • Research the different qualities of vinyl fencing and identify brands or models that are renowned for their quality.
  • Consider the long-term maintenance costs. Higher upfront costs for quality vinyl can lead to savings down the line due to fewer repairs or replacements.
  • Engage with reputable companies for your vinyl fence installation. A company experienced in vinyl fencing will point you toward the best options for your needs and ensure a professional installation that stands the test of time.

Choosing the Right Vinyl Fence Installer for Your Property

In addition to selecting the right vinyl fence, it’s important to choose a professional and reliable installer. A poorly installed fence can quickly become an eyesore and fail to provide the desired level of functionality or security. Be sure to research and compare companies, read reviews, and ask for recommendations from friends or family before making your decision.
Other factors to consider when choosing a vinyl fence installation company include:
  • Years of experience and specialization in vinyl fencing
  • Warranty offered for the installation and materials used
  • Customer service and responsiveness to concerns or inquiries

Work with Pittsburgh Fence Company Today!

Choosing the right vinyl fencing for your home requires a balance between aesthetic desires and practical considerations. Understanding the differences in quality among the varieties of vinyl fencing available in the market is crucial. With this knowledge, you’re better equipped to make a decision that not only enhances the beauty of your home but also adds value and requires minimal maintenance over time.
Working with an experienced company like Pittsburgh Fence Company can make all the difference for homeowners looking to make an informed decision on their fencing. Pittsburgh Fence Company offers a range of high-quality vinyl fence options, including Country Estate, Illusions, and Bufftech. These brands are consistently high quality and are made with carefully selected components to increase long-term performance and durability.
For decades, we’ve offered expert vinyl fence installation services to Pittsburgh homeowners and clients all over western Pennsylvania. We’re excited to provide you with the same level of expertise and superior customer service.
With quality vinyl fencing from Pittsburgh Fence Company, you can rest assured knowing that your investment will stand the test of time and bring value to your property for years to come. Don’t settle for less; choose the best for your home or business.

Choosing the Best Fencing for a Windy Yard

When you’re a homeowner, the decisions you make about your property aren’t just about aesthetics—they’re about durability and practicality, too. Living in an area with consistent breezy to gusty conditions can turn the simple act of fencing your yard into a complex quest for balance between strength and style.

The right fence can enhance your home and protect your privacy, but it can also act as a first line of defense against the elements. In this detailed guide, we’ll explore the factors you need to consider when selecting a fence for a windy yard, the various types of wind-resistant fencing, and how to maintain these structures for a long, secure life.

Ways That the Wind Can Damage Fencing

Before we get into the best options for wind-resistant fences, it’s crucial to understand how wind can harm your fencing and what to look out for.

Poorly Designed

A fence that’s not constructed with wind in mind can be a disaster waiting to happen. This includes not only the overall lack of structural support but also features like fence height and spacing between boards or panels.

Weaker Fence Posts

The fence post is the backbone of your fence, and if it’s weak, the whole fence is vulnerable. Common mistakes include using posts that are too slender, placing them too far apart, or burying them in too shallow holes.

Incorrect Material

Some materials are not suitable for wind-prone areas. For example, wood fences can be easily damaged by strong winds due to their flexibility, but when installed correctly, wood can be a suitable material.

Lack of Maintenance

Proper maintenance is crucial for any fencing, but it’s especially important for fences in windy areas. Neglecting upkeep tasks like painting or sealing can lead to weaknesses in the structure over time.

Factors to Consider

When you’re thinking about the best type of fencing for a windy yard, start with these three essential factors.

Wind Resistance

This is, of course, the most critical consideration. Look for options with proven wind resistance, typically achieved through sturdy materials and designs that allow air to flow through rather than creating a solid barrier.

Material Durability

Your fence should be able to withstand not just wind but also other environmental factors, such as sun and rain, that can weaken or damage the structure over time.

Aesthetic Appeal

Though resistance and durability are paramount, you’ll also want to choose a fence that you enjoy looking at every day. Thankfully, there are several attractive and wind-friendly options on the market that strike a pleasing balance between form and function.

Types of Fencing Suitable for Windy Yards

Now that you understand the importance of each factor, it’s time to look at some specific types of fencing that address these concerns. To shield your yard from as much wind as possible you will want a solid panel fence, but if you simply want your fence to be able to withstand continuous buffeting by wind, you will want a fence built from a sturdy material that allows the wind to pass through.

Vinyl Fencing

Vinyl fencing is a popular choice because of its resistance to the weather and low maintenance requirements. It’s also one of the most cost-effective options, typically requiring less upkeep than wood or metal.

Metal Fencing (Aluminum, Steel)

Metal fencing is incredibly durable and can be designed specifically to withstand high winds. It can be on the more expensive side, but the longevity and security it offers may well be worth the investment.

Composite Fencing

A composite fence combines the best aspects of wood and plastic to create a material that’s both durable and eco-friendly. It won’t rot or splinter like wood can, and it can mimic the appearance of other materials, and it can withstand strong gusts of wind.

Chain-Link Fencing with Privacy Slats

While the traditional image of chain-link doesn’t scream ‘wind resistant,’ the addition of privacy slats can significantly increase its ability to withstand wind while also providing a measure of privacy.

Benefits of Wind-Resistant Fencing

Choosing a fence that can stand up to the weather offers several benefits beyond just maintaining your yard’s looks.

Enhanced Property Protection

A sturdy fence not only keeps your yard secure and private but can also protect your home from debris that might become airborne in heavy winds.

Longevity and Cost-Effectiveness

The right fence, when properly maintained, can last for decades. This means you won’t have to invest in a complete replacement as soon as you would with a less wind-resistant option.

Fence Maintenance for Windy Yards

Even the strongest fence requires a bit of care to keep it in tip-top shape. Here’s how to maintain your wind-resistant fence.

Clean the Fence and the Areas Around It

Debris can cause your fence to deteriorate more quickly, so it’s a good idea to keep it clean. Regularly trim plants and trees near the fence and periodically wash them to keep them looking fresh. This will also help with drainage around the fence and help to prevent rot.

Keep Up with Repairs

If you notice a post-leaning or a panel coming loose, don’t wait to fix it. Addressing these small issues can prevent more significant problems down the line.

Use A Sealer on the Boards

Especially for wooden fences, a sealer can help protect the material from the elements and keep it looking new for longer. If you allow boards to dry out, they can become brittle and will be more prone to splitting, cracking, or breaking due to weather-related issues.

Work with Pittsburgh Fence Company for the Best Fencing Solutions

The best type of fencing for a windy yard is more than just a one-size-fits-all decision. By carefully considering wind resistance, material durability, and aesthetic appeal, as well as understanding the types of fencing available, you can select the perfect fence for your home’s unique needs. And remember, whatever your fencing needs may be, Pittsburgh Fence Company stands ready to assist.

Our expertise and high-quality products will ensure your fence not only survives but thrives in the windy weather. Make the right decision for your home today—choose a fence that won’t leave you feeling floored by the next gust. Contact us today for your next fence installation in Pittsburgh.

Unveiling the Rich History and Evolution of Fencing

From offering protection and privacy to serving as an emblem of aesthetic appeal, fencing has woven itself through the fabric of human history for countless centuries. It stands as a testament to the human desire for enclosure and the strategies we’ve developed to delineate our spaces.

Striking an elegant balance between form and function, fencing is an architectural feature that speaks volumes about our past and continues to shape our present. As your top fence company in Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Fence Company has put together a guide on the history of fencing and what you need to know about modern fencing.

The Origins of Fencing in Ancient Civilizations

The Early Instinct for Boundary Setting

The concept of fencing, or the act of demarcating one’s territory, arose as an instinctual response visible across various ancient cultures. Early humans used natural elements such as trees and rocks to cordon off their living spaces. This primal urge to establish and protect living areas evolved with societal advances and as various civilizations laid the foundations for what we recognize as fencing today.

Fences were used to defend, decorate, and provide security, but they also held symbolic value to ancient civilizations across the world.

Types of Fencing Materials Through the Ages

The earliest materials used for fencing were those readily available in the natural environment. Timber, such as cedars and pines, offered a sturdy presence when fashioned into stockades and palisades. Highly skilled masons used stone to erect formidable defensive walls, many of which have withstood the tests of time to this day. The earliest use of wood fencing dates back to 600 B.C.

Ancient Egyptians were likely the first to use metal fencing over 5,000 years ago. Early fences often had spiritual implications and were built using stone or wood in a circular shape.

How Fence Construction Has Changed Throughout The Years

As civilizations advanced, so did the construction methods for fences. The Romans were known for their extensive use of brick and stone walls to fortify cities and protect their borders. They also developed sophisticated techniques, such as the use of interlocking stones for added strength and durability.

The Middle Ages saw a resurgence in wooden fencing, with pointed stakes used as barriers and wooden palisades becoming a common feature of castle construction. With the advent of gunpowder and firearms, fences had to adapt to withstand projectiles, giving rise to the use of stone or brick walls with arrow-loop windows for defense.

The Artistic Influence on Fencing

Throughout history, fencing has also taken on an artistic element, serving as both a functional and decorative feature. In Renaissance Europe, intricate ironwork fences adorned formal gardens and palaces, showcasing the wealth and status of their owners. Ornamental fencing also became popular in the United States during the Victorian era, with wrought iron fences featuring elaborate designs and patterns.

Fencing in the Modern Times

Industrialization and Mass Production

The onset of the Industrial Revolution heralded the arrival of mass-produced materials, which revolutionized fencing. Galvanized steel, wire mesh, and barbed wire became commonplace, allowing for quicker and more affordable enclosures. Wooden fences, still beloved for their natural aesthetics, were now also available in standardized panels that could be mass-produced.

Aesthetics Meet Efficiency with Vinyl and Composite Materials

The latter half of the 20th century saw the advent of vinyl and composite materials, which brought a modern twist to fencing. These new materials offered the aesthetic appeal of traditional wood and stone without the maintenance, rot, or insect issues. Their longevity and low-maintenance characteristics led to a boom in popularity, particularly among homeowners.

Types of Modern Fencing Materials and Their Applications

  • Wood: One of the most commonly used fencing materials, wood offers a natural and traditional charm. It can be customized, making it suitable for various applications.
  • Aluminum: Lightweight and durable, aluminum fences are easy to install and require minimal maintenance. They offer an elegant look and can be painted in various colors.
  • Vinyl: As mentioned earlier, vinyl is a popular choice for its longevity and low maintenance. It comes in various styles and colors, making it a versatile option for both residential and commercial properties.
  • Composite: Combining plastic and wood fibers, composite fences offer the best of both worlds – the look of wood with the durability of plastic. They are resistant to rot, insects, and warping, making them a popular choice for harsh climates.
  • Chain link: Economical and durable, chain link fences are commonly used for security purposes in commercial or industrial properties.

Benefits of Fencing for Different Property Owners

The Haven of a Well-Fenced Home

For homeowners, fencing offers a myriad of benefits. It provides a sense of security and privacy, a play area for children and pets, and can enhance the overall aesthetics and value of the property. Fences can also help define a garden space, serve as windbreaks, and, when painted with vibrant colors, contribute to the joyous atmosphere of a home.

Enhancing Security and Control for Commercial and Industrial Spaces
In the commercial and industrial spheres, fencing is a critical component of security and access control. It helps protect valuable assets, sets boundaries for legal reasons, and can effectively guide the flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The choice of fencing can also have a significant impact on the image and branding of a business, as it is often the first line of defense and the first aspect observed by visitors and clients.

Choosing the Right Fencing Material for Your Property

Today, the options for fencing materials are endless, and choosing the right one can be overwhelming. Consider factors such as your budget, maintenance requirements, the purpose of the fence, and the overall aesthetic appeal when selecting a material.

From ancient civilizations to modern times, fencing has evolved and adapted to suit different needs and styles. As long as there is a need for privacy, security, and defining boundaries, fencing will continue to play a crucial role in our lives.

Work with Pittsburgh Fence Company Today!

Fencing, both in its historical context and its modern function, is a fascinating element of architecture and culture. From the crude boundaries of ancient settlements to the smart fences of the digital age, it has adapted to our changing needs with grace and utility. Whether the quest is for personal space, cultural heritage, or privacy in the digital age, the right fence is more than a barrier – it’s an extension of our personal and public expression.

In your quest for the perfect fence, consider the legacy of this timeless architectural element and how it can serve you and your property. Work with trusted professionals like Pittsburgh Fence Company to ensure that your fencing needs are met with the quality and craftsmanship deserving of this dignified tradition.

Want to Make a Bold Statement? Consider an Architectural Metal Fence

Fencing isn’t just about delineating property lines or keeping unwanted visitors out – it’s integral to your property’s aesthetic and security. In today’s market, architectural metal fences are making a bold statement in residential and commercial properties, providing not only a structure but also a piece of art. So, if you’re looking to enhance your property with a feature that’s as durable as it is beautiful, an architectural metal fence might just be your golden ticket to a property that stands out.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain why an architectural metal fence could be the best investment you can make for your property, the different types available, and the key considerations for selecting the perfect one.

The Sturdy Elegance: Benefits of Architectural Metal Fences

An architectural metal fence goes beyond mere functionality and serves as a design element that can set the tone for your whole property.

Durability and Longevity

Metal fences are built to last, outperforming wooden fences in the longevity contest. Unlike wood, metal is not susceptible to rot, insect damage, or decay. It withstands harsh weather conditions with minimal wear and tear. Metal fences are a top contender for a property feature that stands the test of time.

Aesthetics and Curb Appeal

One can’t ignore the powerful visual impact of a well-designed metal fence. It conveys a sense of prestige and permanence to your property, enhancing its overall value. Whether you opt for the intricate designs of a wrought iron fence or the sleek look of an aluminum fence, these structures add a touch of refinement to any property.

Security and Privacy

Metal fences provide a level of security that is hard to match. Their robust construction acts as a significant deterrent to intruders. With the right design, such as pointed finials or bars spaced close together, they can offer a secure barrier without compromising on style. Integrating privacy slats with your metal fence can provide a private oasis within your property boundaries.

Low Maintenance

Once installed, a metal fence requires little maintenance to keep it looking its best. A periodic wash with a hose and mild detergent is usually all that is needed to remove dirt and preserve its appearance. This minimal upkeep makes metal fences attractive for those looking to reduce their property’s maintenance demands.

Crafting the Perfect Fence: Types of Architectural Metal Fences

There are several types of architectural metal fences to choose from, each with its own set of design elements and benefits.

Wrought Iron Fences

Wrought iron has been a staple in fence construction for centuries, and for good reason. Its malleability makes it perfect for intricate designs and custom work. A wrought iron fence adds a classical, historical look to any property and can be tailored to your exact specifications.

Aluminum Fences

Aluminum fences offer a similar look to wrought iron with a more modern twist. They are lightweight yet strong, and their handcrafted appearance is deceivingly close to that of traditional wrought iron. With aluminum, you’ll benefit from a fence that is virtually maintenance-free and resistant to rust and corrosion.

Steel Fences

Steel is renowned for its strength, which makes it an ideal material for high-security fences. Steel fences can be customized to achieve a wide range of designs and heights, adding a contemporary or industrial feel to your property. They require more maintenance than aluminum but are more cost-effective than wrought iron.

Each type of metal fence offers unique attributes, and the best choice for you will depend on your property’s style, your budget, and the level of security you require.

Forging Ahead: Considerations when Choosing an Architectural Metal Fence

Before you rush to install the most exquisite metal fence, there are some important factors to consider.


Your budget will play a significant role in the type and quality of the metal fence you choose. While wrought iron is the more expensive option, it provides the highest level of customizability and design. Aluminum tends to be more affordable and requires less maintenance, making it a favorite among budget-conscious property owners.

Purpose and Functionality

Your fence’s purpose should be the guiding factor in its design. Are you looking for something to keep a pet in the yard, enhance the security of your property, or simply add visual interest? Understanding the primary function of your fence will help you make the right choice, whether it’s the height of the fence, the spacing between bars, or the inclusion of privacy features.

Local Regulations and HOA Requirements

Before installing a fence, be sure to check your local ordinances and, if applicable, your homeowners association (HOA) rules. They may dictate the color, height, and design of your fence. Compliance with regulations is crucial to avoid fines and the hassle of making adjustments after installation.

Maintenance Requirements

While metal fences don’t require the same level of maintenance as wood, they still need some care to keep them looking their best. An aluminum or steel fence may require a new coat of paint every few years to prevent corrosion, while wrought iron may need to be treated for rust.

Understanding and committing to these maintenance tasks will ensure the long-lasting beauty of your fence.

Hiring a Professional Fence Installer

The installation of an architectural metal fence is not a DIY project. Seeking the expertise of a professional fence installer is essential for a successful and secure fence. A skilled fence contractor will help you with everything from material selection and design to obtaining permits and proper installation. The peace of mind that comes with a professionally installed fence is well worth the cost.

Call Pittsburgh Fence Company Today!

An architectural metal fence can be the final touch that transforms your property from mundane to magnificent. They provide a harmonious blend of function and aesthetic appeal, embodying the concept of form meeting function.

Reach out to Pittsburgh Fence Company to explore the myriad design possibilities and expert installation services that will bring your architectural metal fence vision to life. We look forward to creating the fence of your dreams!

My neighbor’s fence is on my property. Can I Remove it?

As a general rule, you cannot remove your neighbor’s fence without their permission. This is considered trespassing and can lead to legal consequences. However, there are certain circumstances where you may be able to remove a fence on your property.

The Neighbor’s Fence is in Bad Shape. What Can I Do?

If the fence is in bad shape, you can offer to replace the fence for them if they are open to the suggestion. Without their cooperation, you will need to find another solution. If you are unable to reach an agreement with your neighbor, a mediator may be able to help.

Situations Where You Can Remove a Fence on Your Property

There are a few situations where you may legally  be permitted remove a fence on your own property:

If the fence is a safety hazard or violates building codes, you may be able to get it removed. In these cases, it is important to document and gather evidence of the safety hazards or code violations.

If there is an easement on your property that allows access to utility companies or other entities, you may have the right to remove any fences that obstruct this access. However, it is important to consult with a lawyer before taking any action.

If the fence is an encroachment on your property, meaning it extends beyond the boundary lines of your property, you may be able to remove it. However, you will need to prove that the fence is indeed encroaching on your property and gather evidence, such as a survey or land records.

If you have “adverse possession,” which means you have used and maintained the land as your own for a certain period of time, you may have the right to remove a fence that is on your property without permission. However, this can be a complex legal situation, and it is important to consult with an attorney before taking any action.

As mentioned above, always consult a lawyer and go through the proper channels before acting against your neighbor’s fence.

Steps to Take to Prove the Neighbor’s Fence is Encroaching

If you believe that your neighbor’s fence is encroaching on your property, there are certain steps you can take to prove this:

Get a survey done: Hire a professional surveyor to determine the boundaries of your property accurately. This will help you determine if the fence is indeed encroaching on your property.

Check the property deed: Your property deed should have a detailed description of your land and its boundaries. Compare this with the survey results to see if there are any discrepancies.

Look for physical evidence: Look for markers or evidence on the ground that may indicate the boundary line. This could include stakes, fences, or natural landmarks.
Consider hiring a lawyer: If you are unable to come to an agreement with your neighbor, it may be necessary to seek legal assistance in proving encroachment.

What Are Your Rights if Someone Builds a Fence on Your Property?

If someone builds a fence on your property without your permission, this is considered an encroachment. In this situation, you have the right to ask them to remove the fence and potentially seek legal action if necessary.

However, before taking any action, it is important to determine if the fence was built intentionally or unintentionally. If it was done unintentionally, it may be possible to come to an agreement and have the fence relocated. In any case, it is always best to try to resolve the issue through communication and negotiation before resorting to legal action.

Know Your Rights Before Installing a Fence

When it comes to fence installation in Pittsburgh, it is important to know your rights. If someone has built a fence on your property without permission, you have the right to remove it. However, it is always recommended to first try to resolve the issue amicably with your neighbor before taking legal action.

If you are planning on installing a fence on your property in Pittsburgh, it is important to follow all local laws and regulations. This includes obtaining any necessary permits and ensuring that the fence does not encroach on your neighbor’s property.

How Do I Know I’m Not Building My Fence on My Neighbor’s Property?

Before installing a fence, it is important to have a survey done to accurately determine the boundaries of your property. This will help you avoid any potential legal disputes with your neighbors in the future.

Additionally, it is always a good idea to communicate with your neighbors and make sure they are aware of your intentions to install a fence on your property. This can help prevent any misunderstandings or conflicts.

Working with a Professional Fence Installer

To avoid any potential issues with your fence installation, it is always recommended to work with a professional fence installer. They will have the knowledge and experience to ensure that the fence is installed in an efficient and durable manner and in compliance with all local laws.

Additionally, they can also assist you in determining property boundaries and obtaining necessary permits. This can help prevent any conflicts with neighbors over fences encroaching on their property.

Choosing the Right Fence Installer

When looking for a fence installer in Pittsburgh, it is important to do your research and choose a reputable and experienced company. Look for reviews and ask for recommendations from friends or family who have recently had fences installed.

It is also important to get multiple quotes and compare prices before making a decision. Remember, the cheapest option may not always be the best choice when it comes to something as important as a property fence.

Work with Pittsburgh Fence Company Today

In conclusion, while you cannot typically remove your neighbor’s fence without their permission, there may be circumstances where you have legal grounds for removal. It is important to know your rights and consult with a legal professional if you believe a fence on your property is an encroachment or causing damage.

By understanding the laws and regulations surrounding fence installation in Pittsburgh, you can ensure that any fences on your property are properly installed and do not infringe on your neighbor’s property.

If you are in need of fence installation in Pittsburgh, look no further than Pittsburgh Fence Company. Our team of professionals has years of experience and can help guide you through the process from start to finish. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started on your new fence project! So don’t hesitate to reach out to us now for all your fencing needs – whether it’s installation, maintenance, or repairs – we’ve got you covered!